13:08.03N 061:12.19W We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas all! We have seen Christmas Day come
and go accompanied by reggae, rap, calypso, pan, gospel and numerous variations
on Christmas carols being played in all the churches, restaurants and bars by
locals in Santa hats (all these days with flashing red and white LED’s
sewn into them of course). The Howes family converged on Oboe from all directions, Paul
(Dad) Norfolk (UK) via Barbados, Val (Mum) and David, number two son, New
Jersey via Philadelphia, Tim number one son, Maryland via Atlanta, with lost
bags arriving Christmas day via goodness knows where! Val, with borrowed
clothes from a friend on another charter was the last to arrive with son David.
No sooner was she aboard than we dropped the St Vincent mooring and ran away to
Bequia for the start of the renowned local Christmas celebrations. Dinner
at the Devil’s Table for the family, then Ryan and I joined them and
hundreds of others at Frangipani for good humoured exchanges of “Merry
Christmas” with yotties, newly arrived from Europe, old sea dogs with
that “Robinson Crusoe” look, families of sea gypsies with sun
bleached everything and of course local Bequians dancing up a storm on the
makeshift dance floor on the beach. To the amazing sounds of the local
steel band comprising youngsters as small as 11 years old, all dressed up as
Santa Claus, I sat and wistfully drifted off into a little world of my own,
being an amalgamation of family and friends spread far and wide. Christmas morning arrived rather quickly after that. A
bleary-eyed, rather disorientated crew surprised themselves at the delivery of
a sumptuous breakfast of scrambled egg, smoked salmon, fresh pastries, fresh
coffee and bucks fizz and it just kept coming! Presents were exchanged,
with both Ryan and I saying in unison: “urr... sorry , umm... didn’t
get you anything! My round tonight though!” The day ticked by
lazily, lost bags were retrieved from the airport, Nigel magic’ed up a
German Stolen from the depths of the freezer and various other sweetmeats were
contributed from the lost bag. So, as is traditional at Christmas, we indulged
ourselves. A Christmas dinner on board of garlic prawns followed by pork
tenderloin in a wild mushroom cream sauce topped off the day nicely and all
fell quiet to the strains of Bing Crosby’s “I’m dreaming of a
white Christmas”. In no time the horizontal position took
over. A Christmas day to remember for a long time to come. Nigel |