23:36.5N 062:25.9W Midday Fix 12 May 2010 Dolphins Do It On Porpoise!

Oboe D'Amore's Web Diary
Nigel Backwith
Wed 12 May 2010 11:48
View our progress on Google Earth at: http://blog.mailasail.com/oboe
GPS Position: 23:36.5N 062:25.9W
Sea Miles (previous 24 Hours): 149nMs
Sea Miles to date: 415nMs
Present Course Over Ground: 014°M
Present Speed Over Ground: 6.8kts
Average Speed Over Ground (previous 24 hours): 6.2kts
Average Speed Over Ground to date: 6.1kts
Estimated GPS Position in 24 hours time: 26:07N 062:29W
Sea State: Moderate with increasing swell and chop
Wind Speed and Direction: 17kts E
Barometric Pressure: 1008mB
As predicted by the weather forecast we acquired via email yesterday, the
winds have picked up and veered a little further east, so it doesn't look as
if we will end up in New York after all! Squall activity also picked up at
dusk and bothered us at times through the night, requiring bouts of hard
work reefing sails in pouring rain. I think everyone is pleased that it is
now light, making it easier to trim the sails and keep the boat on the move.
Ryan, Maggie and Wendy are asleep, with Rob and David on watch eating
Weetabix for breakfast, no doubt looking forward to getting their heads down
Yesterday saw porpoises visit us for a brief moment but they didn't stay to
At an average of 6.1kts to date, we are making very good progress and we can
expect this to continue for another 24+ hours before the trade winds finally
run out, when we might need to fire up the engine for the first time until
the wind returns, this time from the west, to drive us out into the
Date: 12 May 2010