17:08.55N 62:37.75W Storm Bound on Nevis

We don’t seem to have made much progress south these last few days. Our short hop down to Nevis from her sister island St Kitts 2 days ago was intended to be no more than a launch pad for the passage to Antigua 50nMs to the east. We planned a 3.00am start but it became clear that the winds and waves were building unrelentingly and that the passage was becoming untenable. Worse still, the weather is here to stay until at least Saturday – Valentines Day! There are of course worse places
to be marooned than Nevis and all are making the best of it, with visits to
plantation resorts such as the Hermitage for their weekly all you can eat Hog
Roast washed down by copious quantities of white wine. I only speculate about
the wine, having got to know my guests pretty well by now, as I had to remain
aboard Oboe D’Amore on anchor watch, as she bucked and reared and
occasionally groaned under the stress of 45kt gusts, threatening any moment to
drag her anchor. Mike has to leave us today and
take a short flight to Antigua to catch his plane home. We’ll miss you
matey and I look forward to sailing with you again in the summer. The
remaining four will probably face the music tomorrow and head out to sea.
Guess you will have to wait for the next instalment to know whether this was a
good decision!!! Hope all is well with all of our
avid readers, wherever you are in the world! Get in touch: nigel {CHANGE TO AT} oboecharters {DOT} com May the wind always be at your
back. Nigel |