Little Pea's ARC Blogoramma 2 - Getting into the routine

Fri 30 Nov 2012 10:08
25:24.7N 23:02.8W
Yesterday proved to be quite physical and, being tired from the previous day, it proved to be even more of a mental challenge. As we rocketed downwind, we had a small pod of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins join us for 10 mins showing off their impressive acrobatic skills. Shortly after the dolphin display, we yet again had a close encounter with two more sleeping whales prompting us to send out an 'All Ships Navigational Warning' to our fellow ARC competitors. The ARC is a strange event, it's not really the winning that counts, but the finishing. I know certain readers will be choking on their cornflakes reading such a statement coming from me 'Mr Uber-Competitive', but after all, it's a rally! We all found ourselves genuinely wishing people good luck before the start and actually meaning it. So sharing information such as near misses is common place to help make sure that everyone gets across in one piece.
As the sun set on Day 3 a line of squalls propelled us to a new record of 16.7kts set yet again by Ben. Through the night the squalls continued to accelerate and wet us, however the pelting showers have dampened the seastate somewhat making life on board more palatable. Overall spirits are high; Jags is back to his usual singing along to Andy Williams and Only Men Aloud whilst helming, Ben has broken through his post quiting smoking crankiness, Minkey has regained consciousness and Mike has cleaned his teeth.
Pea is holding her own well in these conditions.  Apart from some minor breakages no significant problems so far and she is proving to be at ease with this point of sail.  Down below its a bit of a mess and a smelly sleeping bag has appeared on board and although everyone is denying any knowledge of it we all believe its Mike's. 
The weather is looking favourable for at least the next 36hrs, so we're hoping that our good progress will continue.
Number of crew to vomit = 0
Maximum Boat speed = 16.7 Knots *NEW RECORD*
Number of Reefs = 1
Maximum Gust = 42 Knots
Number of Dolphins = 12
Number of Whales = 3
Amount of Rain on = About as much as your average weekend in Manchester
Mike, Jags, Minkey and Ben