Caleta Villarrica anchorage pm Sunday 15/03/2009

Hollinsclough - Is the World Round?
Sun 15 Mar 2009 20:10

Caleta Villarrica chilled in ice berg country


Our Sunday evening anchorage lay back in Estero Peel, safe from floating ice a little west of Fritis Point we passed through a rock wall narrows of twenty meter width to find Caleta Villarrica in Wilcock Peninsula. Towering rock walls like Matlock Bath or Cheddar Gorge circled us like the walls of a Welsh Castle guarding from ice bergs and the weather. 50.49.30 S  74.00.60 W


Fresh from Amelia Glacier, ice water in the bathroom basins made for an exhilarating tidy up before tea time and drinks chin chin, chilled with more of the magic frozen crystal.