Moving Along 39:00.020N 48:58.455W

Melvin Magnall
Wed 10 Jun 2009 02:17
2200hrs EST
943 mls to go
We're moving along quite nicely in all kinds of conditions in fact strong winds and rain most of the morning. I have followed many blogs on this site over the last year and a half and I don't remember a whole lot of talk about foul weather. So are we wimps or are real sailors of the golfer ilk. "IT never rains on the golf course"?
Last evening was just picture perfect sailing.
We passed the half way to the Azores yesterday and thought we should celerbrate. So we cracked open the 5 liter box of our finest merlot. We both thought it had quite an amusing nose with just a fruity hint and great legs. Hey what more do you want for $20 a box.