Party Pictures!

After a number of awesome parties, I have decided that I
should post a few of the more “tasteful” photos from some of the
fun evenings we have shared with our friends. While “Lightfoot” was
still in Musket Cove, Isabel, Stacey, and I threw a dance party at the Island
Bar (and dressed up in our black “cocktail dresses” for the
occasion!) complete with I-pod dance mixes and live Brazilian guitar music and
expected it to be a big hit, but to our surprise, we seemed to be the only ones
who were interested in actually dancing that evening!! We didn’t let that
get us down however and danced the night away much to the amusement of the
other cruisers and locals at the bar I am sure ;- ) The next party was my 26th birthday in Denarau
where the day began with Stacey and I sneaking into the pool at the Westin
resort and relaxing for the afternoon and then meeting up with friends at the
bars around the marina for drinks and later dinner at a wonderful Indian
restaurant. Thanks to Kathy from “Love Song” for the birthday hats,
balloons, and streamers….. it just isn’t a proper birthday
without a children’s party hat right?! ;- ) The next picture is of Stu, Bob & Aaron “manning
the grill” so-to-speak at one of the many Island Bar BBQ nights at Musket
Cove where cruisers and guests at the resort are invited to bring meat to throw
on the prepared grills and side dishes for dinner and the bar provides the
utensils, plates, and condiments AND (here’s the part I love!) they do
all the dishes for you afterwards!!! And of course everyone buys lots of $4.50 FJD
(about $2.50 USD) beer and wine, a win-win for all involved I would say, wouldn’t
you? The next pictures are of Halle (from“Lightfoot”),
the bartender Vasiti and I at the Island bar, my morning walk around the island
at Musket Cove with Isabel and Stacey (plus Stu for that day), a trip we took
in Nadi to the local Hindu Temple, and a beautiful sunset at the sandbar. ~LH |