Isla San Francisco

Wayward Adventure
Thu 22 Jan 2009 17:39
24:49.207n 110:34.280w
Anchored on Isla San Francisco about 44nm from La
Paz. According to the chartplotter we are literally ON The
Island. This error has been well noted and not a surprise that it happens
but it still is alittle unsettling to see your boat parked right in
the middle of the Island. This time the error is about a half a mile
or so. I wonder if the Lat and Long correspond correctly on
Google Earth, I would assume so. Anyways, We went for a hike
yesterday around the island, there is a trail that cuts across and takes you up
to the top of the ridge line and continues around for about a 3 mile loop.
The landscape here is beautiful but I am looking forward to seeing a tree again
someday. Even a blade of grass would be sufficient. I can't complain
because for the 2 months we have been in Mexico it has rained for a total
of one hour and that can truly be appreciated by all Northwesterners.
The temperature is pretty consistent around eighty degrees and there are few
bugs, however on occasion we have been visited by Mothra. You remember the
giant moth that used to battle Godzilla back in the day, well he lives in Baja
now. They are so big that you dare not hit it with your shoe but
instead a catch and release approach is used to avoid a mess inside
the boat. The wind is going to be very light for the next few days so we
are going to motor north in a hurry and then sail downwind and hit all the spots
we passed on the way up. Feels good to be moving again, but I would
recommend La Paz to anyone. Take care,