Bahia Los Frailes

Wayward Adventure
Thu 4 Dec 2008 16:55
23:22.710n 109:25.340w
After spending 2
wonderful weeks in Cabo with family and friends, we departed with sunshine
and smiles on our faces with the promise to return in early March to say goodbye
and provision for the upcoming Pacific crossing. It was so fun to
spend time with my parents and their amazing group of Cabo friends whom Aaron
and I feel blessed to consider our own friends now as well ;- ) Cabo
lived up once again to my expectations as I had set the bar pretty high for
Aaron's first trip to my second home and I wanted everything to be
perfect and for him to love the town and the people as much as I do. My
parents (spoiling us the whole time!) took us to all of our favorite
restaurants and man was the eatin' good!! As is the tradition for my
family, Thanksgiving was held in Cabo at the home of Joan and John (a.k.a. the
Z's) both of whom are exquisite gourmet chefs (and for an added bonus,
very health conscious ones at that!) and thus have continued to satisfy and
indulge with their traditional (with a Joanie twist!) turkey-day
spread. Needless to say, all who attended left with peaceful minds, hearts
full of love and thanks and belly's full of the most delicious Thanksgiving
dinner prepared anywhere! Thanks to you both we love you very
We have now been
officially welcomed to the Sea of Cortez and we are lovin' it! We departed Cabo
San Lucas on Wednesday morning and headed North to La Paz. After motoring for 6
hours in the calm deep blue waters of the Sea of Cortez we anchored for the
night in a little bay called Bahia Los Frailes, a popular overnight
anchorage for cruisers doing exactly what we are doing (i.e. heading to La Paz!)
and remote fishing village where locals drive down a dirt road from San Jose and
set up camp on the beach. We got an early start this morning and just
passed the Pulmo Reef en route to the stop-over for this evening,
Ensenada de los Muertos. More to come,
Lauren (or as I am called in Mexico "Lorena")