Tonga to New Zealand 3

Wayward Adventure
Thu 5 Nov 2009 06:02
26:52.912s 179:38.414w
600 miles to go. Very fine weather
today. Sunny with just enough wind to make 5 to 5.5 knots. Seas calm
and even got a Mahi Mahi today. Pauline took the fillets and made a
Poisson crue...mmm. The first thing we caught however was not Mahi
but an Albatross. It must have thought the lure looked good because I
looked back and saw we were draging something on the line and slowed the
boat and to my surprise a giant albatross poped up out of the water
and shook the hook out of it's mouth and flew off. Glad he was
ok. So things are good and we hope the wind does not die. It is
predicted that there will be south winds in a few days and that is not good for
sailing because we are heading south but maybe we will head due south now and
then we can take the predicted south wind at a usable angle. Maybe we
should just stay on the rumb line as they never get the wind forecast right 4 or
5 days out. Still warm during the day but nights are very cool and Lauren
has told me that it is very cold in New Zealand right now so I will enjoy the
warm days for now. Summer is on the way in NZ and I hear that after
Christmas is very nice "down under".