Day 13

Wayward Adventure
Tue 31 Mar 2009 02:07
03:45.198n 126:35.429w
What a day today was, steady wind from the SE
and averaging 6.5knts. Last night was quite a rush with all the squalls
surrounding us. It is part of being in the ITCZ. The squalls average
about half mile across and are these dark clouds with heavy rain under
them. You can see them in the distance and even show up on the radar
screen. Last night around 2 a.m. we went through one and the boat went
from 3knts to 8.5knots in about 15 seconds. As the boat was speeding
up buckets of rain started pouring like I have never seen. You could
have drowned standing on deck. We raced along in this torrential rain
for about 10 minutes and then as quickly as it started it stopped, back to 3knts
and sky full of stars. What a ride. Not to worry, the "wayward"
needs about 35knots of wind to have to reduce sails and these squalls
rarely reach that wind speed so it was exciting but not dangerous. We
are now sailing along and no squalls in sight, we have found wind and are
ready for the SE trades to kick in a few days from now. The ITCZ behind us
and looking forward to the equator.