
Wayward Adventure
Wed 19 Aug 2009 18:42
18:46.497s 173:30.144w
Nearing Tonga this morning, still have 40 miles
till we are in the Port of Refuge as it is called. The town of Neiafu is
where we will clear customs and have heard conflicting reports on the ease of
doing this. However all reports concur that you must keep an eye on the
officials while they inspect your vessel as they are famous for "borrowing"
things that you leave unattended. The passage from Niue was very painless
and we have steady 20knt trades with small seas going 7.5knts with one reef in
the main that we have left in for good measure. The amazing thing about
these waters is the depth, we passed over one spot that was 29,000 ft
deep(according to the chart). Mt. Rainer is 14,000 ft high so that gives
you some perspective. More when we get there.