La Paz Pictures

Wayward Adventure
Mon 19 Jan 2009 18:39
Its been too long I know and I have much to write
about but this message much be kept brief with more to come later.....We are
currently at the fuel dock at Marina Costa Lota (haha!) outside of La Paz headed
out to spend a few weeks exploring the nearby islands, eventually making our way
North to Loreto and then heading back to La Paz. Attached are some of the only
pictures we took while in La Paz (sadly we have not become dedicated to bringing
our camera with us everywhere we go yet! but hopefully we will learn!). The
first pic is one Aaron took of our cute little Christmas tree we had set-up in
the corner of the salon, the next 2 are from the trip Aaron, his mother, and
daughter took out to Isla Espiritu Santo and then the fourth picture is of the
nicely fattened and incredibly spoiled goose named Lucy that lives at Marina
Palmira and is hand feed by all of the boaters and marina workers alike....I
like to think that Lucy's days are numbered as she looks as though she
would be a tasty highlight to a holiday meal ;- ) Talk about a
lucky goose....
The last 4 pictures are
from a hike Aaron and I took up a mountain (truthfully it was only a small
hill) next to the marina which had beautiful
views of downtown La Paz and the marina although the sun was in the wrong place
and the pictures did not turn out as great as I had hoped. More pictures are
sure to come as we have yet to take any of the boat while under sail, let alone
any pictures of Aaron and I together on the boat god forbid! We will get
better...I promise ;- ) I absolutely loved our time in La Paz and am looking
forward to returning to say goodbye to friends before we head off for the South
Pacific. Ok, free "borrowed" internet time at the fuel dock is over for now,
with more to come.......Adios!