
Wayward Adventure
Sun 22 Feb 2009 02:45
Hello friends and family!
We had an
absolutely wonderful time exploring the northern portion of the Sea of
Cortez this past month and were blessed with an unexpected opportunity to visit
friends from Sausalito while they were in Loreto (see attached picture
of Verne, Cynthia and myself). It was nice to get back out on the water after
having been on the dock for what seemed like forever and as had been told to us
time and time again, there are numerous islands, coves, and protected bays
to explore and tuck-in-to when the wind picks up, so we were never at a loss for
things to do or see. And of course, new cruising couples to meet along the
way! Below are a few pictures from the trip.....
The first 2 pictures are
from our favorite anchorage in San Juanico (where we started our sanding
and varnishing project!) with beautiful scenery and a secret (well not really
that much of a secret since all the boaters could find it if they
looked!) estuary we enjoyed exploring......and floating around
in ;- )...... when the tide was right. The beautiful turquoise
water with the volcanic cone in the background is Isla Coronados where
I was doing some serious shell-collecting while Aaron had to fight to keep the
3-4 pound chunks of coral I wanted to keep down to a just
don't seem to understand the future decorative potential of large
coral formations and my motto has always been "get it while the getting is
good!" The Venetian gondolier picture is one of my favorites and we had a blast
in the mangroves at Bahia Amortajada.....the way the mangroves are formed is a
complete mystery to me as it appears as though someone cut out
passages snaking through the dense trees, with the main channel leading us
straight to the lagoon at the other end of the island! It was beautiful watching
the white egrets, herons (maybe they were herons?), and other birds as they
perched in the mangroves and took flight as we passed, swooping around the
dingy with the bright sunlight reflecting off the water. Our world is
such an amazing place......we are so fortunate to have
experienced a piece of nature as we did that day, and it will remain in our
memories forever ~ LH