Day 39 Sat June 23 Wet in Oban with DF+4

(In which Delta Force are joined by Cloughs and Bloxhams, England draw with the Springboks in Port Elizabeth, and more good seafood is consumed)
The day was equally wet, and various plans were discussed over breakfast. Shopping, walking, finding a sports bar for the rugby were all on the agenda. A sub-group set off to walk to Dunotter Castle, but turned back when the rain started in earnest, and about the same time Benj retreated on the ferry back to Kerrera to get some more adequate waterproofs, and Cate's non-alcoholic champagne for the evening. We reassembled for lunch at the Lorne Bar, some opting for haggis and black pudding, and others more sensibly a modest wrap in view of the meal booked for later that evening. Benj made a recce for the rugby venue, finally landing in Coasters, where he was joined by Willie and Iain, and then by David Clough, who had arrived in the meantime. He and Diane have been touring the Western Isles on his Harley for the last 2 weeks, and this was to be their last weekend before heading south. David and Tricia Bloxham, doing the same tour by car, also arrived during the afternoon. The final Test in S Africa was a good game, and England can take credit for achieving a 14-14 draw (albeit not supported by any present in the pub). In the evening we all changed out of oilies and into our best frocks and headed to Ee-Usk for our 'posh' meal. Benj had a little contre-temps with Mr Usk (?Mr Ee?) over the importing of Cate's pseudo-wine, but in the end he allowed its use on the basis that this was her very special occasion, probably helped by noting our table had just ordered 6 bottles of white wine just for the starter! The meal was, as expected, excellent (if pricey), and the craic was as good as ever with the Force. We had noted that there was a live band at the Lorne Bar, so we repaired there, listened to the 150dB sound at the open door, and decided a quieter pub would suit us better. The group, progressively diminishing in numbers, moved to Aulay's Bar, where a rowdy young crowd were in full flight, and ended the evening with appropriate nightcaps.