Day 36 Thu 21 June Back to Oban

Benj woke rather early, and in view of the wind on the bow on our berth, which would make for an easy one-man exit, decided to leave Cate asleep and head off for the Sound, with the promise of a run down to Oban under Genoa with a friendly following F3-5 wind. Leaving at 0700, he made the best of it for almost an hour before giving up, as the wind had (of course) changed direction enough to make the passage under sail virtually unachievable in less than a day. So it was on with the iron mainsail again, and retracing our steps in the freshening wind on the nose back to Oban, we actually found a much better berth (port-side to, two boats out from the main jetty) than before. This gave us nice time to make a shopping expedition into Oban and back aboard to cook an excellent casserole of our venison and fresh veg.