22nd August
Fri 22 Aug 2014 23:03
I am actually in Goose Bay having left France B today which is very sad for me. The trip has been awesome and the sights amazing and the lucky three that remain have more to come. The pictures are to cover the time from crossing the last days in Greenland and Labrador. They aren't in any particular order but show a little bit of what we saw. The footprints by the way are wet ones on a rock near where Trish and I had been wandering around for about half an hour! Very fresh. We didn't see or hear a thing and we were certainly looking around all the while. We beat a hasty retreat ! Loads of blueberries to pick and the locals gave us some lovely cod.
I am now in a hotel, heading to UK and am off to get my first shower for a week! Bye for now.