21st July
Fri 25 Jul 2014 18:34
We have left Umiasugssup ilua anchorage after spending an extra night there. It was a lovely sunny day yesterday so Trish and I walked up to the top of a peak that overlooks the east towards the ice cap and many glaciers. The sound was full of bergs and very picturesque. We were however glad we weren’t sailing through it! Tom and Nancy took a similar walk later in the day and agreed! Today we headed over to the town of Umanak and immediately found ourselves in strong winds fortunately from behind. It was only a 10 mile trip but we were glad to arrive in an anchorage a mile away from the town where we decided to hunker down before we try to go to the town. Strong winds are pretty rare in this area at this time of year funnily enough so it’s not expected to last long. We watched a berg disintegrate on the way and the sounds of the ice cracking and chunks falling are very impressive.