Friday 27th June

Sat 28 Jun 2014 17:26
52 26.27 N 55 41.67 W After a lazy start we motored in flat calm to a little anchorage in Sophia Bay. The weather for Greenland isn't looking too good for a few days so we are going to hop up the coast before we turn out to sea. The days run was 21 miles but as the gannet flies we only have gone 4! Anyway a lovely anchorage and we went ashore for a walk in the hills and collected some crystal clear melt water for the boat. On our return Eagle Eye Trish spotted a black bear on the shore about 400 yards away from where we had been! Glad she saw it after we were back on the boat! She has now seen six to our zero. The prize for the most sightings has yet to be worked out but she will win whatever it is we are sure!