10th August
Mon 11 Aug 2014 17:46
As you will see we have now crossed south of 60 degrees north; is the weather warmer? NO! Actually the water temperature is now down to zero centigrade (32 F) and as soon as the sun goes behind a cloud the air feels very chilly. Anyway today was sunny and calm and actually Nancy is down to 6 layers and I ( being brave ,or perhaps having thicker layers!) have on a mere five. Trish and Tom are odd and seem impervious. Trish has just put on hot chocolate as well as cooking a warming curry which we had for lunch and will have more of for dinner so we are somehow surviving!! I have just yesterday read an account of a group of shipwreck survivors reduced to cannibalism right near here so the conversation turned to which of us would be first in the pot in such circumstances. I think as the youngest, biggest (and least useful) I lost....ah well I shall hope I taste tough and that as a result they all break teeth so at least I can get some revenge should the worst happen!....now where is tha
t hot chocolate.