12th August
Tue 12 Aug 2014 20:59
Well it blew hard last night starting at about 11 pm with gusts across the boat of up to 30 knots so the bad weather arrived, but a little later than predicted. We were nice and snug though with plenty of chain out so no problems with the anchor. It was still howling in the morning so we stayed put until lunch and then as things looked to have calmed down a little and the forecast was good the further south we went we headed out. Well the forecast was right and the seas are calm and the wind has died as I write this, but we certainly had a few gusts across the deck that were more than 30 knots before we found the nicer weather. A shame really as as we were leaving we saw 3 polar bears, a solitary male (we think)spotted by Nancy and then Tom saw a mother and cub. The males eat the cubs, given a chance, and the two groups were only a few hundred yards apart so we hope the male wasn't hunting. Anyway it was sadly too windy to wait around and get closer and see what happened. Trish spott
ed another caribou on the shore later on in the afternoon so there is wildlife around for sure. You will note that all the animals are being spotted by those who have been here before and know what to look for, I can see a chocolate bar at 100 yards on a foggy day but can I spot these critters first.....NO.....most annoying ! There is a prize at the end for the most "bagged" but I haven't bothered to ask what it is as I know it won't be mine to take home!