New contact and packing
Soutpiel Safari
John & Jenny
Thu 4 Nov 2010 07:24
Yesterday we registered with the Africa Overland Network
website, where all
like-minded overlanders congregate, and we were directed by the organiser,
Martin Solms, to another couple who are ahead of us on the same route.
These are Nick and Vicki Bradshaw who also
have a Land Rover Defender 110 (every serious traveller does!) and they are in
Burkina Faso waiting for floods to subside to enter Ghana.
We started packing Lavinia on Tuesday, trying to utilise
space to the maximum but also trying to put things in logical places. There is
still lots to go in and available space is now very limited. Our
aim is to have everything packed by tonight. I see that Nick and
Vicki (Langebaan Sunset) set off with a packing list showing what they
have aboard and where it is - very organised! I wonder if they still have it 3
months down the road? We'll have to rely on memory!
Jenny did a big food shop on Monday and it is all stowed
away in the drawer units. The plywood storage drawers that I made are very
useful but a little difficult to slide when fully loaded.
Back to the packing!