10 may 33:59.90N 38:31.02W

Tuesday eventing: We
are now cutter rigged: the Genoa is flying and so is the staysail. The two foresails are working well and
we are racing ahead at 6.4 knots with 11 knots wind speed; I guess racing is an
overstatement, however we are moving forward in the right direction heading
towards Sao Miguel. The winds
are very light and we don’t expect much of a change for the next few days. We are all enjoying a peaceful day after
finally sorting out the sails.
Genevieve and Carl have done a fantastic professional repair and the sail
does no longer require the attention of a sail maker when we arrive.
Giancarlo has been a little bit unfortunate with leaving the fore
hatch open for a bit of fresh air; yesterday was the 3rd time he got
his cabin soaked. The sea is
unpredictable and one minute we are bopping along with not much ado and then a
wave decides to soak the foredeck, and Giancarlo’s
bunk. Our
fishing is not doing as well as we hoped; we have not caught anything at
all. We are trailing lines and lure
but not one single fish has taken up the offer. We have had the pleasure of large pods
of dolphins swimming and jumping at the bow of the boat. Giancarlo is whistling and singing to
them and they come right up. The
crew have taken a lot of pictures of these lovely mammals.
Genevieve and Carl cooked a very nice chickpea curry with rice for
dinner. We are now resting watching
the sunset and reading. We
are all very well. Liz