10 May, 2011 32:56.30N 41:36.16W

Yesterday was very
tiring as we were headed by large waves. The boat was rolling relentlessly and
healing as we moved forward as close to the wind as we could on a close reach.
We decided to wait with hoisting the Genoa as the boat was constantly ducking
and diving and large waves very rolling from the bow of the boat all the way up
to the cockpit, and we would have got absolutely soaked. The stay sail that we
are using is very good and with the strong wind has been perfect for the task.
The repaired Genoa is lying inside and is taking up most of the floor in the
main cabin. We avoid stepping on the sail as we move about resulting in us doing
a series of acrobatics climbing on sofas and hanging on to rails etc..
Annya and I decided
to make pizzas for lunch; perhaps not the best idea as the boat was healing and
bouncing all over the place. The pizza topping went all over everything as the
pizza took a flight and spread a layer of tomato sauce, “past the sell by date”
spicy sausages, onions, parmesan, cheddar cheese and a drizzling of olive oil,
all over us and coated the walls and floor of the galley with a slippery
mess. Not to worry, we made
several more that remained more or less on the plates and they were rather tasty
if I may say so myself - with the help of a glass of red wine.
Eating is a balancing
act in these conditions; nothing remains on the table even though we have
special anti slip mats. You must
brace yourself and hang on to your plate and drink whilst you eat. One small
lack of concentration will result in big mess. Giancarlo’s glass of wine did take
flight and he spent the best of 20 minutes wiping the wine from the newly
repaired Genoa. We now have a
slightly pink stained sail. I think
salt is good for removing wine and that we have plenty of so the stain will
hopefully disappear. The wind and waves
did subside and by midnight the conditions had settled down to a comfortable
motion. Annya and I take the watch
between 2200 and 0100; the moon and the stars provided a magnificent back drop
to the sea. We are 2 persons in the cockpit during with the responsibility to
keep a lookout and to steer the boat. If the conditions allow, we sit and chat
and when it’s very windy the person on the helm is often incommunicado as he/she
is concentrating on steering and keeping to the course. We always wear our lifejackets and are
hooked on to strong points in the cockpit. Last night Annya
started screaming and did a little backwards jump as a flying fish flew into the
cockpit. The little fish was flapping about and making a lot of notice as he
struggled for survival. I swiftly
picked it up and threw him back in to the sea, a very lucky escape for one small
fish. We have frequent visits from
flying fish, most of them die as they land on deck during the night and we find
them in the morning. Others are discovered several days later as we get a whiff
of rotting fish. When I woke up this
morning a pod of dolphins was playing around the boat. Anton was playing his
music and they probably came up to check out the noise. Liz Just one little
addition to our watch last night, Liz noticed a light in the distance so we
checked to see if it was an approaching ship…it was a night rainbow. I’ve never seen anything like it…exactly
like a rainbow, perfectly arching over the sea, but without the colors. No meteors last night, but we have
started to see more animal life and a few more ships passing by. I’ve put on my bikini in hopes that the
sun will shine brightly and warmly today…wishful thinking perhaps, but I do see
bits of blue in the distance. Still
missing you all bunches, much love,
Annya |