
the seren oddessy
steve and dee
Tue 25 Aug 2009 05:00
Found out that the suvarov was the ship that discovered the island, it was russian, named after comrade suvarov of the red army.

We did the dinghy trip and walk to look at the birds. Hundreds of sea birds from frigates to noddies and boobies(te hee hee...boobies)
There are even red tailed tropic birds and Suwarrow holds 5% of the worlds population of them. We stopped on the way back for a snorkle.
Snorkeling in the lagoon is 30m visability with abundant fishlife and the sharks are pretty much scared of us. Weather has been spectacular but is due to change tomorow, this means we get to enjoy it guilt free, we couldn't leave if we wanted to. So we shall stay and eat fish kindly provided by the caretaker and his family.
have bbq'd fish every night in the palm frond shelter on the beach.
Life is good.