a new island

the seren oddessy
steve and dee
Wed 22 Apr 2009 17:43
We have arrived at the island south of the mainland. its Isla de Juventud. Had a motor sail here after rounding the cabo san antonio. Cubas most westerly point. 150 miles in 25hrs roughly with very little fuel used as we just ticked over with a bit of current helping. Stopped in 1300ft of water for a swim. Clear blue water does not even come close to describing it.
Caught a bonito tuna and a couple of nice queen fish as we entered the shalllows. I.e from 7oooft to 2000ft deep.
Arrived after dark. Tried to enter the marina but ran aground in the channel markers. Had to kedge her off.
Moved into the marina this morning after lead lining it in the dinghy. Entered the channel in the daylight with the marina operator waving his shirt on the shore to indicate where the channel is. No way we could have made it without the local knowledge.
We have tied up Med style with the anchor out and stern to the brand new pontoons. We are one of two boats here and we are the first to tie up on the pontoons.
Nice people, very friendly and gave us a bonito as a welcome gift. Dom has cut it into cutlets for later on the barbeque.
Off to town to find some beer now after we finish washing the boat down with fresh water. What a luxury. Have plugged into the shore power but they have their polarity wrong so we have to wait for the electrician to come to make it work.
ciao for now.