the seren oddessy
steve and dee
Fri 3 Jul 2009 13:52
From: rushweek {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} co {DOT} uk To: seren+diary-417769 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com Subject: Galapagos. Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 00:49:09 +0100 Hola all. We are in Wreck Bay. San Cristobal, Galapagos. Passed the equator at 530 in the A.M. drank some rum. We are all officialy shellbacks now. Its cold here. water is cold. wind is chilly. Its cold enough for seals. We have one set up camp on the sugar scoop. Originally named Dave, recently revised to Aggie due to her not having the required bits to be a Dave. She also has a large pup and I suspect she is enjoying the fact that there isnt space for the pup. As I write she is three feet away and couldnt care less about us being on her boat. What I didnt know is that seals shed like mangy dogs so we will have some cleaning to do when we, or she, leaves. Moreno on San Cristobal is a nice place. Totaly unlike the other places we have seen so far. There is obviously money here and the locals dont hate tourists. They will try to screw a few bucks if they can(it is central america) but in general they seem to treat us like normal people. I am attaching a few pics. to start will be from the town of San Miguel, Las perlas islands, off Panama. then Esmarelda, Ecuador. then lastly Galapagos. and a random one or two. View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – Learn more! Beyond Hotmail — see what else you can do with Windows Live. Find out more. |