to Bequia

Ocean Science's blog
Glenn Cooper
Fri 2 Mar 2018 22:43
Friday morning sees us in light winds en route to the neighbouring St
Vincent island of Bequia, as different from Mustique as St Kitts is from St
Barth (see January 2017 blog). We arrive; we are back in the real
Caribbean again.
On the way we pass a British boat under sail with two young children being
towed in the dinghy - what fun for them
![]() We had spoken to this family late last night. Our jet boat on shore
would not start and we would not have been able to get back to Ocean Science if
they had not towed us out. There was a very heavy surge in the dock, but
the family, including the two little girls, were completely unconcerned, leaping
into the bucking boat. We had seen the girls before, when their
yacht was at anchor, scampering up the lines like geckos. The boat was
clearly a second home. Thank you Alastair, Melanie and girls.
Bequia is a proper boatie place. There are chandlers, and boats are
still built here, a tradition that goes back a long way. Scots
boatbuilders came here in 1800. And strangely, Bequia is one of the
few places on earth that has a licence to take whales. The International
Whaling Commission allows the islanders to take up to 5 humpback whales each
year, provided they are killed in the traditional manner, with hand-thrown
harpoons. The skills to enable this are dying out. Bequia is a
flourishing and vibrant town, with markets and bars, along with various
businesses connected with the sea.
We had already had some dealings with Bequia before we came here.
Back on Mustique we got a tight-lipped “No, I won’t” from Mr Perkins when we
turned the starter. Blocked fuel feed again.
Nothing we could do – and there were lots of things tried – could persuade our
lorry engine to leap into life, so we summoned a diesel engineer over from
Bequia. This was Tyrone Caesar, who arrived piloted in a wicked speed boat
with a javelin-sharp prow. Leaping on board he tried this and that, and
then played a winning hand – a squirt of insect repellent and then brake disc
cleaner into the fuel line. This was volatile enough to make a nice big
bang when under compression, and the engine started to suck fuel. Thanks
and bye bye Tyrone. And bye bye 800 US dollars.
The dock people at Bequia were as pleasant and helpful as could be.
We had run out of water, and filled up – now no need to chuck a bucket of
sea water to flush the heads (boatie word for loos). There was a big lump
of debris floating near our hull, and it was steered away by the harbourmaster
and pals using something that might have been a whaling harpoon. We got a
nice stern-on mooring on the dock. Note the step-off
box. I have never had one of those before.
![]() A quiet lunch on the boat (what, we had to make our own lunch, whatever
next?), then a mosey ashore to find a part for the generator cooling pump.
Located at Pipers Marine chandlery and rigging shop,in a pleasing tangle of back
streets. In fact his street is called Back
Street. The shop is for sale. He had the part (an
impeller). Glenn bought 3 of them.
![]() And here is just one of the markets dotted around the place. More
exploring to be done tomorrow, Typing this on Friday - the joint is
starting to rock. I feel like an extra in a Bob Marley docudrama.
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