shake rattle and roll

Mon 3 Jul 2023 08:16
14 38.9s: 098 01.8e

well it is still a rolly passage here on Mr X. I guess it will be like it all the way now. there seems to be a certain pattern to the day with the late afternoon through to the early hours of the morning being the most changeable in speed and direction of the wind and the height of the waves. It is quite wearing on equipment and crew. Even cooking is a bit tricky so i suspect we will be getting through the tins a bit as tipping a couple into a pan for heating up is almost the limit of what one can face in the galley. We have switched our main meal to lunchtime as it is a little easier than dinner time in terms of marine activity. It is incredible to think that we still have 23 days plus to go. Last night there was an impressive dis[;ay of leaping by some dolphins ..... wonder if there will be a repeat tonight?