Split to Dugi Otok - 1st July to 3rd July 2008

Lady Drake
Peter Drake
Thu 3 Jul 2008 18:30

Split to Dugi Otok  -  1st July to 3rd July 2008


Destination Soline on Island Dugi Otok: 44:08.400N 14:53.000E

Disctance Covered: 100 Nm


(By Richard Matt)


1 July – Talk to Mike the night before and he said ask Pete if I wanted to come aboard.  So I left hostel in search of the Lady Drake.  Once found, everybody was asleep.  Waited till they were up and asked Pete if I could come aboard.  He said “yes”.  We then bought supplies and started to sail in the afternoon.  Pete taught me a little about sailing, how to tack.  We reached a protected bay for the night. Took the day heat away by jumping into crystal, clear water.  Had supper and a few drinks to many (chardonnay, sparkling wine, port, beer) I’m still amazed no one fell overboard from are dancing and acerbities on deck.  Many Elvis and Frank Sinatra songs were sang……horribly.



2 July – Woke by salting my body up from the bay water’s.  We then set sail, learning more from Pete and Mike.  The sights are still breathe taking.  Once anchored in for the night we took are time getting ready for the big night on the town of one restaurant in the national park.  Once ashore we came into the realization that the restreants just closed and the garbage dumpster was a distance away.  Drop the garbage off and back to the Lady Drake.  Back aboard, we started to play rummy before long it was turned into a drinking game.  Pete had this great idea of taking shots of some sort of Greek moonshine.  It hit him like a rock.  The only thing that kept Mike and me alive were that we were dealt better hands than Pete.  At one point of the game Pete needed to have another Greek moonshine shot so he said “Be strong, 1, 2, 3.”   But it sounded like “Pete’s strong, 1, 2, 3.” 


3 July – Got up again by jumping into the water.  Left the National Park for a long day of sailing.  Winds were weak so most of the time we used the Diesel

Engine.  Weaving through the islands and immersing their beauty.  Stop off in a bay for a quick swim.  Drop the outside shower throttle into the bottom of the bay.  Manage to retrieve it by driving about 22 feet.  We then moved on to anchor off at another place on route to our final distention.  The motor quit so we drop the anchor there.  Put the outboard motor on the dinging.  Pete fixed the motor’s problem.  Went to a restaurant order fish that we picked from a tray.  Pete was going to move the dingy and the fish came to the table.  Mike and I (Richard) could not wait any longer for Pete so we started to eat with out him.  He showed up half way though supper having discovered that we had actually walked to the other side of the island for dinner so no dingy was to be found.  Had my first fish eye with mike.  Went back to Lady Drake, along the way we saw a sunken ship.  Had a few hours of sleep before the long journey tomorrow.



 A final jump from the boat:


Some technical facts:

The distance on the log of Lady Drake Reached 6666.6: