Greece at last! 19-7-2007 to 23-7-2007
Current Position: 38:49.800N 20:42.800E Dear Blog, It was a good sail for the rest of the trip from Mid. Ionian
to I arrived at a nice sandy beach on the North West side of On Thursday evening I sailed next to Vassiliki
on the On Friday Morning Jan drove to Vasilliki,
and he was shouting across to Lady Drake from the harbour,
but I was sleeping off the late night and still catching up on sleep from the
48 hour crossing (not to mention the whiskies). Jan later came with his family and ski
boat so we all traveled back to Nydri where he was
staying. I sailed with Jan’s
two children Sam and Eileen and he went of for some high speed fun with his
wife Catherine. Nydri is a wonderful place to
anchor and very calm, there is not much wind in this part of the Ionian, but the
sea is very calm and there are plenty of wonderful anchorages. The next two days were spent waterskiing in the morning and
relaxing in the afternoon. My arms
are feeling now a bit longer as I had my full share of skiing, but did not
manage to get up on the wake board. Booking a flight home was a bit of a headache and in the end
I booked to fly from The morning of my trip back went a little wrong when I
arrived in the bus station at 06:45CET (07:45 Greek time) for my bus which left
07:00 Greek time. I managed to do
some careful negotiations with Europecar and got my
self a ride in a car already traveling to the airport so all worked out fine. So that’s all for now, I will be returning to the boat
on 25th August for another trip, but hope to be able to spend some
more time there before then. Many thanks to Jan and Catherine for the great food,
waterskiing and Ouzo J |