Day 5 race 8

A great party at the Jeronimo team house, where I am
pleased to say JD won the drinking games 3-0..easy! Sailing conditions were perfect for the final day, a
big sea still running from the previous gale and a steady 16 kts. The
race officer set a short windward leeward course. A great start but we were
pinned to the left hand side, shame as we were pushed over the lay line by 3
minutes. A couple of quick downwind legs and the fleet finished within 3
minutes on corrected time!!! Ahh. A blast back to the marina and a change from racing
to cruising before the prize giving, we were very pleased to win the first boat
in class 0 with no professional crew, a great finish to a brilliant week. JD is due to leave the marina tonight to get ahead of
the next gale for the final leg of the Viking Cruise. |