Thursday 13th May

Day 6
Position: 59:03.44N 10:24.57E
A cloudy start to the day but at least no rain but little wind either.
Our first destination was to Grebestad 18km out of our way to find the nearest off license as wed run out of red wine & running dangerously low on the rest. To our horror we discovered it was a bank holiday and the off license was shut. The silver lining was we finally found a bakery open and enjoyed some freshly baked Danish pastries wed been searching for them all week. They were well worth the wait. Pastries all eaten we set off to Koster Islands. All praise to the on-deck chart plotter who makes life so much easier.
Today being the bank holiday there were many more boats out on the water quite a change to the past few days. When we arrived at Koster for a late lunch we had to moor up alongside other boats it was so busy ( all week we have generally been the only boat in the marina). A quick fry up and we went to explore the island and lighthouse. Fantastic views across the Koster Fjorde.
After a beer in the local we decided to head on to our overnight destination. Once out of the harbour the boys decided to go below for a chat/nap/read and left Sarah & Lesley to navigate our way across the shipping channel in the cold wind. The only time they appeared on deck was when Jan performed the ceremonial hoisting of the Norwegian flag with a big grin on his face. The girls were only let off their duties on deck to sort out supper below.
So tonight is the last night of the current crew together. A few games of cards with the rest of the whisky and wine in case customs make their inspection tomorrow (you are limited to what you take over the border).
It has been a fantastic week for many reasons including
Brilliant sailing, in 22kts of wind, sun, blue skies and fast spinnaker reaching between the islands perfect.
Outstanding scenery, ranging from deep sided cuttings to low lying islands paradise
Sailing under low bridges wondering if we really will make it through in one piece
Great company & teamwork. By day 3 we had spinnaker gybing running like clockwork
Endless inland waterways to explore
Football & beach bonfire at Lille Korno
Food & drink on board - excellent hospitality
Our guide and friend Jan the amount of local knowledge he holds in his head is unbelievable
The onboard heater without doubt!
Dubarry Boots
Jammy Dodger