Sunday 9th May Helsinor to Marstrand
Ahh, so after a few bottles of wine and the clock just touching 2300hrs we set off for the second passage of the day. The target was to reach the Ockero Islands - some 109 miles ahead. Philip being chief bod took the first watch along with Sarah, although initially under engine we were grateful when the wind finally filled in.
As the dawn began to approach the wind filled Jim and Lesley thought it was time to replace the donk donk with the creak of an eased sheet, although Jan ended up on the floor!
Nick supplied a breakfast of bacon butties, which was much appreciated, and gave the energy required to start searching for the spinnaker. Finally under three boxes of eccles cakes and shortbread we found the white spinnaker. With Jan still asleep
!..Speed was of the essence to get it up the mast
only a few instructions and the girls jumped into action.
8.5kts with 11kts boat speed thats more like it, even the sun was out.
We arrived in Ockero having had a great sail, but sadly caught no fish! Not to be deterred we set off in search of some fishermen
.ahh its Sunday! How about pickled herring and Frisbee sized crisp bread from the local supermarket for lunch. Lunch and beers finished around 1700hrs. Gently pushing off we set sail for Marstrand
we had not left the harbour and the spinnaker was up again.
Short gybing in the channel the crew was soon well drilled
who needs 14 lads on a wet weekend in the solent! Marstrand has a stunning approach through a narrow cutting, and opens out into the Cowes of Sweden
but where are the people.
The bottles of Sherry and Gin didnt last very long, and were quickly followed by the boxes of wine. A green thai chicken curry finished the evening.
Brilliant first day of the trip 126 miles, sun, wind and spinnakers.
JD Viking be continued
p.s Jan has just left saying he is going to "make some water" we want wine.