Husoy Stay

Jammy Dodger
Neil Martin
Wed 19 May 2010 20:17
Sunday 16th May The Ash cloud caused problems for a few members of the crew and so some had to leave early and change flights to avoid being 'askefast' (ash stuck) !!! Monday 17th May ( Norway National Day ) National Day! Everyone in national costume and waving flags in the street as we watched the school parades and bands walk through Tonsberg. The afternoon was spent at Randi's house on Husoy for lunch and salmon was cooked for tea by Helge and Erna. Great day had by all !!! Tuesday 18th May Jan, Danuta and Jen motored Jammy Dodger half an hour round the corner to Fjaerholmen marina while Toby drove the car round to meet them. After droping Jan and Danuta at the train station for their trip to Oslo, we went to stay with Randi & Stein on Husoy. Fish balls, jen's favourite meal of all time that she hadnt had for 10yrs, was on the menu for tea..beautiful!!! Wednesday 19th May Amazing amazing sunny weather....20+ Degrees! Day spent doing not much other than chilling out and the evening spent visiting some nearby islands on the speedboat, followed up by BBQ & bearnaise sauce... Get a free e-mail account with Hotmail. Sign-up now. |