10:23.504S 123:37.017E - Birthday and Bird

Birthday and Bird Today, Sunday, 18th September, we are approaching the city of Kupang on the Indonesian Island of West Timor. Land was sighted off our starboard side just after sunrise this morning. The wind continues to be
light (2-8 knots), so we are on day 3 of motor sailing. We have had the main up most of that time, although it has been largely limp and flaccid. The genoa and staysail have taken turns. We have kept a steady speed of 7-8 knots.
Yesterday was Louis’ birthday! We celebrated him as best we could with the same old 4 at the party! He started the day with his favourite poached eggs on toast Florentine. We tried to light a small candle on his toast,
but the breeze meant we could not test how much puff he still has at his ripe old age. We gave him the benefit of the doubt and sang him a stirring performance of Happy Birthday. Gifts galore, birthday cake at 11:00, Champagne, courtesy of Rob, at 18:00 and
a juicy supper feast at 19:00 made him feel well appreciated. The previous day, Friday, September 16th, was a day to remember, as recounted by our ardent resident fisherman, George. “I woke up to the loud sound of the engine. I had got too used to the silence of the sails. I headed up to Dad. It was very warm; the sea was flat with no wind. Our wind speed was about 8 knots, so we couldn’t sail. We
had a lovely breakfast and Dad as usual did the SSB Radio Net call. Unfortunately, the last three days no one had been replying (including today), we felt all alone on this flat sea.
Meanwhile my arm was aching from fishing the day before. We made a satellite phone call to Makara wish Luke a happy birthday. The day was relaxing. We did eventually put up some sails, which sped us up a little bit, the
engine was still running. Later after the evening SSB Radio Net call with no replies, I decided to do some evening fishing. I managed to catch a fish, which unhooked itself as I was reeling in. I wanted to catch one more tuna as it would be my
tenth tuna this rally! I let the line out again and we all sat down for a chat. Suddenly, I noticed a flock of 4 Boobies heading in the direction of my rod’s lure, which was bouncing above the water line. I stood up as they circled it and then my rod suddenly
began to bend. I looked up to see a struggling Booby thrash through the water, it had hooked itself on my line! I had no choice but to reel in to unhook the bird. After a good bit of reeling in, the bird luckily managed to unhook itself and fly away. That
poor bird will have a mouth ache tonight. I continued to talk to the others, laughing about what had just happened, when suddenly another Booby dived at my line! It missed by a fraction, and I began to reel in the line as apparently these birds like my lure.
I put the rod away for the night. Later we ate a lovely risotto for dinner. I did my watch where nothing happened at all. I sat and watched the stars. Then Dad came on watch, and I headed to bed.� Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. |