08:54.812N 079:31.230W The Panama Canal Transit - Beyond All Expectations Part 2

Irene IV - World Adventure
Louis Goor
Sat 19 Feb 2022 13:40

The Panama Canal Transit - Beyond All Expectations Part 2

OWR fleet awaits the arrival of Panama Canal Authority Pilots. They will board each boat to guide us through the 35 nautical mile canal. We all anchor in the Flats anchorage, behind the breakwater. The sea state was very choppy with gusty winds.

We are among ships of all shapes and sizes.

And a fearless kite surfer

Our pilot, Carolina, arrives.

Carolina presents us with our marching orders.

Carolina is one of four female pilots among a pool of 300.

Andrew and John get to know each other.

Louis and Carolina in the thick of things.

Carolina sharing a laugh.

Carolina joins the best dressed crew in the fleet.

Louis gets her hat!

Sabine gets her shirt.