10 June 2021 - The First Posting
Irene IV – World Experience
In March of 1949, Commander Vernon E. B. Nicholson sailed into English Harbour Antigua on the 70-foot schooner, Mollihawk, with his wife, Emmy, and their two sons, Desmond and Rodney. Our
great uncle, Vernon, was a commander in the Royal Navy during World War II. His job was to scour the English countryside for suitable boats in order to convoy sailors to the beaches of Normandy. It was there on the mud flats of Wittersham, Kent, he found and
purchased his beloved Mollihawk.
The plan was to set sail from Ireland to Australia after the war. So, the family sold their house and set sail for distant shores with their cat, Amber, aboard.
They set off full of hope and a sense of adventure. First, they headed south towards the Canary Islands, then west to Bermuda, and finally arriving in the southern West Indies. From there they island-hopped their way back up the island chain until ultimately
disembarking in Nelson’s Dockyard on the island of Antigua. They found the old naval dockyard abandoned and deserted. The pristine
stillness was broken only by the sound of shutters banging on the windows of the ancient, roofless buildings.
In those days, only one plane a week made stops on the sleepy island of Antigua. It wasn't long before members of the newly established Mill Reef Club were asking
to charter the Mollihawk for trips to neighbouring islands. Word spread about the hospitality of the Nicholson’s and the pleasures of cruising on the Mollihawk. And so, in the turquoise waters of the West Indies, the first yacht charter company was born, Nicholson
Yacht Charters. Nelson's Dockyard in English Harbour was slowly being transformed from a ghost yard to a thriving centre for the yachting industry.
Uncle Vernon is just one of many passionate sailors on both sides of our family. Our paternal grandfather, Louis Goor, after whom Louis is named, was the archetypical
sea dog! He was fearless, careless and carefree! He once sailed down the River Shannon in Ireland at night, having forgotten to bring yachting charts, navigating by ear for possible rocks in his path! Not the type of sailing that we applaud but makes for a
good family story!
Now it is our turn to add to the annals of our family narrative as we
prepare to embark upon a circumnavigation of the world. On the 9th January 2022 we will set sail from that very same Nelson's Dockyard in English Harbour on
the boat, Irene IV, named after Uncle Vernon’s sister and our grandmother, Irene Ronan.
As Uncle Vernon had his purpose, we too have ours. We are dedicating this sabbatical to learning how to
make a difference – a difference in the way we conduct our everyday lives in the hopes of safeguarding future generations; a difference in the lives of those communities that we are visiting along the way; and a difference in how our businesses promote sustainable
and best practices.
As the owner of a business in the plastics industry, Louis feels a heightened responsibility to forge the way for our families and friends, and for his employees.
As enlightened and educated human beings we know that all of us are aware of the many global crises that currently exist. From climate change, to racial inequities, to famine, and
plastic pollution, we are constantly reminded of the devastation.
We live in a global economy; we live on one shared planet. We currently allow 95% of plastic packaging material, at an annual estimated value of US$ 80-120 billion, to be lost after
a single use. It is of crucial importance that we, for the sake of our descendants, start to act on the realization that waste no longer needs to be wasted.
Bill Gates, in his new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, claims we have a mere 30 years to act before irrevocable damage is done.
No human, no business has a zero footprint on the planet. How can we make sure that our life’s work leaves the world a better and more beautiful place? The answer lies in personal
responsibility: in wisdom through knowledge and staying informed; in compassion for
fellow human beings, those we know and those we will never know; and in courage to act, to change, and to spread the word with consideration and kindness. We hope
to increase our knowledge and wisdom, by noticing, by asking questions and by acting responsibly. We pledge to show compassion, respect and curiosity for each culture we have the privilege to experience as we travel. And we pray for the courage to always do
the right thing as our knowledge increases.
“Ending plastic waste is ambitious. But it is through collaboration and collective action that this complex problem can be solved” - Alliance
to End Plastic Waste( https://endplasticwaste.org ). In
affiliation with the Alliance to End Plastic Waste we hope to learn how we can inspire a transformation. Lofty
goals are birthed in tiny packages. Come on this voyage with us and together we can make a difference. Join us in our mission and
purpose to promote awareness and love of the seas. An awareness that shows a direct relevance for each of us.
As well as adjoining with the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, we have aligned with the Oceanic
Society( https://www.oceanicsociety.org ) as
an ambassador vessel promoting the Blue Habits Program, a program that is “motivating lasting pro-ocean behaviours.” Declining
ocean health is a worldwide problem whose causes—including overfishing, plastic pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change—are diverse and difficult to quantify. “Simply put, people put too much in and take too much out
of the seas.”
Among other undertakings, we will be bringing eyeglasses, solar lights, toothbrushes and school supplies with us as gifts in thanks for allowing us to explore the
many beautiful islands and ports along our way.
Our motto for this voyage is “Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints.” Perhaps that can become our collective life’s goal?
Sabine, Monique and Louis Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. |