07:22.891S 104:52.441W Bits and Bobbing
Irene IV - World Adventure
Louis Goor
Tue 22 Mar 2022 01:31
Today was a day for bits and bobbing! Thanks to John’s prowess as a master
mariner with a healthy competitive spirit, egged on by Rob and his
unprintable expletives, we could hang back today and get little bits of jobs
done. John spent most of yesterday’s day light hours and some after dark,
behind the helm, expertly adjusting the sails for optimum speed, availing of
the power of the waves, so that we can proudly say that we have left Black
Lion and its carbon rig, in the dust! During the night we passed Akoya and
another non-rally boat, Locca. Go John!
At the 1,000-mile mark, about a third of the way to Nuku Hiva, we are
bobbing along on more gentle rolling seas, under cloudy skies. We have all 3
sails flying, Mainsail, Genoa, and Staysail, plus some laundry and plastic
bags flapping in a true wind speed of 18-24 knots, moving at a brisk 10-12
knots over the water. I have been told by Rob to go stand on the bow if I
think we are bobbing along! I informed him that I have literary license!
Alright Rob, we are humming along!
It is a time for contemplation, although, with laundry everywhere (6
sweating crew members produce copious amounts of grubby gear) and Enda and
Louis in the lazarette, playing with the dive compressor, the conditions are
less than ideal for meditation! Reflecting on the many delights of the
Galapagos, I ask each crew member for their top 3 experiences. Nick
especially enjoyed swimming with Hammer Head sharks and sealions at Kicker
Rock, a short distance from San Cristóbal Island. John waxes lyrical about
the lava fields of San Bartholeme Island and noticing how the sealions
remind him of his Labrador dogs at home. Rob enjoyed showing off his riding
expertise (he was a professional 3-day eventer prior to becoming a sailor)
energizing his comatose horse on our way up to the volcano on Isabela
Island. Enda loved visiting the spectacular lumbering giant tortoises on
Santa Cruz Island and giggles when he thinks of Louis’ fire ant dance! Louis
was tickled by the comical blue footed Boobies and their funny mating dance
on Española Island. My most cherished moments were swimming with the gentle
giant sea turtles, with their big trusting eyes, and slow graceful movements
drifting through the water. Now we have occasion to assimilate all the
magnificence that we have experienced thus far.
When I read that sea turtles often mistake plastic bags floating by as their
favourite jellyfish treat, I am deeply saddened. How many turtles have I
killed by thoughtlessly casting a used plastic bag into the garbage without
a mind for its destiny? We have been fortunate to share some time with these
magnificent creatures, many have not, it is our responsibility to preserve
their fate, even if it is an inconvenience.