Shelburn Bay to Escape River
Thu 23 Jun 2016 04:03
10:57.813 142:42.558E
20th June - 7.00am start and we motored out to the shipping channel,
sunny and hot but no wind! Strange as
20-25 knots had been forecasted.
Enough of a breeze came up to get the ropes/poles and pulleys sorted and
we sailed painfully slowly for a few miles then altered course and got both
genoas on one side. Still very little
wind and soon we had the motor on again and motor sailed for a while. The coastline here is pure white silicon sand
beaches with towering dunes behind which resembled snow capped mountains. No roads come to this coast so to be able to
see it from the sea is the only way. We
have never seen so many seabirds feeding.
The wind picked up enough and the sailing angle was good so out went the
downwind sailing system again and we struggled on trying to beat the light and
get to our destination Escape River. We
sailed into the first bay which was charted at 12 foot anchoring depth with a
warning to be aware of the many Pearl Farms located there. The reality was an anchoring depth of 50 foot
sharply rising to a sandbank and only 2 Pearl Farms. We had no option but to put out 260 foot of
anchor chain – certainly not what we expected!
Shifting sands are a major problem when entering any of the rivers up
the Queensland Coast and charts cannot be relied on.