Magnetic Island

Thu 19 May 2016 06:24

19:06.775S 146:51.535E

We needed a few days R&R so got the bikes ashore and did some exploring of Magnetic Island.  We crossed the Island and rode towards West Point.  Magnetic Island is quite touristy and has some lovely beaches.  Ferries bring visitors over from nearby Townsville the Capital of North Queensland.  We managed to see Rock Wallabies at Geoffreys Bay and did the walk up to the Forts which were used to protect the Coastline during the 2nd World War.  The big disappointment was the sea!  Due to the dreaded ‘stinger season’ it is advisable to swim in netted areas – this is a sensible precaution as the side effects of being stung consist of excruciating stomach cramps and vomiting or worse still ‘death’ uhmmmmmm.  The netted areas were pretty small and the sea an unappetizing green sludgy colour – plus point it was warm.  So no lovely leaping into a crystal clear warm tropical sea!

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