Mon 26 Jan 2009 08:15
35:59.008N 05:44.466W
At 9.00 local time (8.00 gmt)
distance run in last 22 hours 172 miles
ie average speed for the day of 7.8 knots ... good... Bit early this
morning but could be a bit busy later negotiating the tides and other ships
through the straits
The pillars being the rock of Gib and the mountain on the opposite side of
the straights... and when you see them ...and absolutely nothing else but sea
... rising almost vertically into the sky ..... you can understand why. But my
first "sight " of land was the glow of tellow in the sky above the towns .... to
start with I thought they were boats! After a bit I pcked up Cap
Trafalgar lighthouse, then Barbate aand could even see the lights of Cadiz in
the distance. .... Same on the Morrocon side ... just dont know where each place
We needed that ... a good boot up the backside ..... now we have a fighting
chance of getting to the marina before nightfall (when thye put a bar across the
entrance! would hav eto wait till morning to go in ... but will this wind
hold long enough to get me there .. or am I about to get dropped again literally
within a stones throw???? During daylight hours a constant 30 to 35
knots on a very broad reach.... Didnt take long to build up some big seas with
lots of whitecaps .... so with just 1 reef and a very small amount of genoa
(more and it got in the wind shadow of thr main) I kept her surfing down the
rollers .. regularly hitting 10 to 11 knots as she took off down the face of the
waves.... That kept me up on deck all day!!.... Amazing sight to see the wash of
Gaviota sweep up the face of breaking waves.... and stop them breaking
with the force ... so up they both went only to explode in a series
of giant starbursts .... Just the odd one got me .. but they went so
high .. they exploded above the bimini ... and would you believe the sun
was out most of the time!
night time and it dropped ...but still from 20 to 30 knots .. but still put
another reef in so I could go down below and leave George to it ... motion still
pretty violent though despite slowing down to 6 to 7 knots!
Then having not seen another ship all dday ... they just kept on appearing
.. sods law... so much of the night spent sitting in front of the radar ...
making sure we all kept our distance. ... and the dawn down to 20 to 25 to
25 knots .... so should be ok ... and it usualy gets stronger in the
straits anyway ... Heres hoping... |