Punta Umbria
Are we nearly there yet?
Mike & Sarah
Wed 28 Jul 2010 09:08
37:12.68N 6:58.72W
16th July 2010
Decided to make for Punta Umbria, as both chart and
pilot indicated the possibility for anchoring overnight and it's about 30 miles
(5 to 6 hours) distance. Weighed anchor at mid-day to enable us to get over the
bar at the entrance to the Guadiana at slack, low water.
A force 2-3 westerly gave us a very pleasant sail
under Genneker along the coast, arriving at the entrance to the river leading to
Punta Umbria in the early evening. The river, which runs almost parallel to the
coast, views the "working" side of the town, whereas the seaward side of the
town tends to its tourist needs. We motored slowly up the river, past two
marinas and then countless sizeable fishing boats lying to buoys. Fishing really
is a huge industry all the way down the coasts of Portugal and Spain. It being
far too crowded to risk anchoring it was decided to continue upstream.
About a mile beyond the town the river widened considerably forming a lagoon,
surrounded by marshes. Lowering the hook, it bit into nice glutenous mud,
ensuring a secure anchorage for the night. The noise of holiday makers was
discernable from Punta Umbria, but it was not intrusive and our chosen anchorage
was an oasis of calm. As well that it is too, as we need to be off
around 07.00 in the morning to take advantage of the tides to