Well it is 6.30pm Monday evening, and we are sitting in the cockpit drinking rum punch as we have made it to Providencia. We eventually left at 7am after waiting for a couple of squalls to pass, with Arwen leading the way out of the harbour. We motored directly into the wind for the first few miles so we could get far enough past the reef so we could then head a little past North for Providencia. The reef is easy to see, if the breaking waves don't give it away the several shipwrecks mark it pretty well. The weather was nothing like the forecast - apart from the exit from San Andres and the entrance to Providencia we sailed the whole way, completing the 60 nautical miles from anchor to anchor in just under 11 hours. The (apparent) winds were between 15 and 23 knots, and we were surprised to catch and pass Arwen (a 40 foot Hallberg Rassy monohull). It was a bit on the rough side and we often saw 8+ knots of boat speed, but that was much preferable to the long slow motor sail we were expecting.
There are five other boats in the anchorage besides Arwen and Five Islands. It is a bit overcast and gloomy, so we hope it clears up a bit while we are here. The anchorage is quite shallow - we are anchored in 4 meters. One bit of excitement about halfway through the trip was when we hooked a bloody big mahi mahi, of course while we were doing about 8 knots so we had to pull in the genoa to slow the boat down to try and reel it in. Anyway, to cut a long story short, after about 10 minutes John had managed to get it about 10 meters from the boat when the fish jumped, the knot at the lure let go, and away he went. Another one that got away.