The past two days have been relatively quiet, with light following winds. We only just made 100nm yesterday and will be less than that today. Although the going has been slow, it is peaceful and comfortable and a pleasure to be out here. The days are sunny and warm and the evenings balmy with night skies ablaze with stars. The swell settled yesterday so no splashing over the side or slamming under the bridge deck (just the occasional rumble) making it more comfortable for sleeping. The wind is coming from directly behind us now, and we expect this now until French Polynesia. We haven't been fishing for a few days as we still have a few feeds in the freezer and currently we are going way too slow for the lures. We are now 2000 miles out of Academy Bay, with 1350 until we reach the Tuamotus. No sign of any other boats for some days now, just us and the flying fish.