The last 2 days have been quiet with light winds (about 10 knots or so) and averaging about 110 nm a day so not setting any speed records. Good opportunity to run the water maker and do some washing. Wind has picked up a bit today and currently doing about 5 knots. Still about 4 days away from Fiji, hoping to arrive at our first waypoint in the morning so we have good light to pass through the infamous Fiji reefs. Have had the lines out for the past 2 days but no interest shown as yet. We have noticed a sea mount about 170 nm away which comes about 24 metres from the surface so Nigel has changed course slightly so we can troll over it so you never know. Only issue is we look like arriving there at night unless we can find a bit more speed. Just had an email from Terry and Elaine (Virgo's Child), they are still travelling with Des & Carole (Island Fling) and are about 400 nm behind us heading for Tonga. Saturday night BBQ planned for dinner tonight, Nigel is busy marinating some fillet steak so looking forward to that.