Days 70, 71 & 72 Savusavu Fiji

Five Islands
John & Sue
Tue 31 Jul 2012 00:45
Savusavu Harbour, Fiji
Day 72 - Visit to Olivia's village.
We visited the home of Olivia, a lady who has a stall in the markets and who has a home stay and day visit tour business. We met her at the market, then jumped on a local bus ($1.90 Fiji each) and travelled about 20 mins to the eastern side of the island. A young Japanese backpacker called Coco was also with us. We walked around the village, then had a wonderful lunch of spinach (local plant), tuna and tomato sandwich, curry potato roti (a wrap), banana cake and fresh paw paw, at which point were all as full as googs. We then swam a bamboo raft out to an island, which seemed like about 5kms, but actually about 0.5km. We walked over the island which is rain forest and covered in a colony of Flying Foxes. We then waded back through knee to waist deep water which was a bit tricky in spots with the incoming waves rolling around the point. All quite exciting and very speccy. The water was crystal clear but not a lot of reef/coral that we saw. We came back to town in a local taxi (Sunshine Taxi) and Nigel cooked a great lamb curry. Coco came to dinner and is now going to travel to Suva with us. We plan on leaving early tomorrow (Wed) and expect to take around 30hrs to get to Suva.
Coco, Miss Kitty, Nigel, Olivia's daughter, Tomasi & Sue