We have been back in the Marina for a week after spending a couple of days in Linton which included an interesting bus trip (way too many people, standing room only, and an open bus door - no OH&S considerations here & the risk assessment came down to "hang on tight"). The French sail maker was away in France & is not due back until after we leave to go home so we will pick up our rain catcher when we come back to Panama next January. We have spent the last week preparing the boat to leave in the Marina for the next 3 months. Our intention was to haul her out and put her in the secure yard but it is full, so we are going to leave her in the water (docked). I have wiped every surface (walls, cupboards, drawers etc) with Mildrew Remover and aired and dried as much as is possible in this wet season, tropical climate. We have met yet more Aussies here, Jenny & John on S/V East of Everywhere from Port Douglas. These guys have done much the same thing as us, having bought their boat (mono) on the Pacific side of the USA 2 years ago and sailed her down to Panama then through the Canal. We are heading to Panama City tomorrow and fly out to LA on Sunday, then onto Oz arriving in Brisbane on Tuesday morning, then back to Rocky that afternoon. I am getting excited about seeing family and friends again. Will update the photos when i find some time over the next week or so.
Sue & John