Well after about 10 days we finally left Coco Bandero this morning (Saturday) and headed across the channel a few miles to Green Island. We would have left yesterday but we had a big blow (25 knot winds) and then it rained most of the day so we decided to wait another day. At one stage a little swallow type bird took refuge on the BAt least we were able to catch quite a bit of water to top up our tanks. By the time we left Coco Bandero there were about 5 power boats and as we can see the anchorage from where we are now we have counted 12 by lunchtime. We have also counted 4 helicopter arrivals to drop off passengers, so we are very pleased that we have headed across to here, as we are the only boat in the anchorage. We went for a bit of an explore this afternoon and had a walk around the island. It is uninhabited, but like all of the islands here it is covered in coconut palms. It is really lovely to be able to walk around and be the only people here (except for the occasional Kuna who are selling lobster, conch and octopus. We have ordered fish for tomorrow). The bay at the south of the island is absolutely crammed with the most bait fish I have ever seen, the water is literally thick with them. There is supposed to be some good snorkelling around here although the water clarity isn't quite as good, as we are closer to the mainland. Today we have been on the boat 100 days so are just about to open a bottle of bubbles. The attached photo is of Five Islands anchored off Green Island. It has started to rain again, as it does most afternoons, and as a consequence the lightning & thunder have also started. It is so like the Northern Territory in the wet season. Time for some bubbles and a game of Backgammon.
John & Sue