Isla Robinson Crusoe...

El Vagabond
Vicki & Roger Mortimer
Sat 24 Mar 2012 16:46
Position 33 38.41S, 78 49.48W
Well, that's the first leg of our trip West to New Zealand tucked under our belts...
After 2 years, we have finally (almost) left Chile. We arrived here in Bahia Cumberland on Isla Robinson Crusoe at 10am yesterday after 3 1/2 days of "bouncy" sailing covering 479 miles. This is the bay in which the Germans sunk their Warship "Dresden" in WW1 rather than letting the Brits have it. It was rather windy here yesterday gusting up to 50 knots so we didn't get off the Boat....
It is a really remote place - Alexander Selkirk must have really, really hated his Captain to have asked to be dropped off here....
Just going ashore now to have a walk up to the Alexander Selkirk "Lookout Point". Not sure what else is here on the Island following the Tsunami destruction of February 2010 but we shall soon find out...